CHARLAS: HERRAMIENTAS NLP impartidas por Tharindu Ranasinghe y Damith Premasiri
Estimados/as estudiantes:
Os informamos de que el próximo lunes 25 de septiembre a partir de16.00 a 18.00h tendrán lugar las siguientes charlas sobre herramientas de inteligencia artificial aplicadas a la traducción:
Fecha: lunes 25 de septiembre
Hora: 16.00
Lugar: Sala de conferencias.
Tharindu Ranasinghe
Introduction to NLP Tasks
Abstract: The last few months showed exponential growth in the field of natural language processing (NLP) with frameworks such as ChatGPT. As a result, NLP research has become closer to day-to-day activities and plays an important role. In this talk, I am going to discuss basic tasks in NLP that are fundamental building blocks in models like GPT. At the end of the talk, you will have interesting research directions forward and a clear idea about what is NLP, what are the basic NLP tasks and how you can approach them.
Damith Premasiri
Data Processing Pipelines with Linux
Abstract: Data processing is the key to many machine learning applications. Majority of these data processing techniques can be done easily and effectively in a Linux-based system. In this talk, I am going to demonstrate a number of Linux kernal commands that can be useful in day-to-day data processing needs.
* You will need a computer with an internet connection for this session. No need to install anything as all the experiments will be conducted in Google Colab.