A cargo de la Dra. Hanem El-Farahaty, profesora del Centre of Translation Studies and Arabic, Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies de la Universidad de Leeds (Reino Unido). Autora del manual “Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation” (Routledge, 2015) y coeditora del Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation (en prensa).
Martes 23/10/2018, a las 13:00h. Aula 2 de la Facultad de Traducción (UGR).
Conferencia: “English<>Arabic Legal Translation: Challenges and Solutions”, a cargo de la Dra. Hanem El-Farahaty (véase bionota más abajo), profesora del Centre of Translation Studies and Arabic, Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies de la Universidad de Leeds (Reino Unido). Autora del manual “Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation” (Routledge, 2015) y coeditora del Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation (en prensa).
Aula 2 de la Facultad de Traducción (UGR). Martes 23/10/2018, a las 13:00h.
Dr Hanem El-Farahaty (Short Bio): Hanem El-Farahaty is a Lecturer in Arabic/English Translation and Interpreting and Programme Manager for MA Arabic/English Translation at the Centre of Translation Studies and Arabic, Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Leeds. Hanem’s area of expertise is Arabic translation studies with a particular focus on legal translation. Hanem is an Associate of the UK Higher Education Academy; she taught Arabic and translation in a number of UK universities and she taught English linguistics and English/Arabic translation at The University of Mansoura, Egypt. Hanem is the author of Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation, a ground-breaking investigation of the issues found in legal translation between Arabic and English. Her book was translated into Arabic by King Abdulaziz University, KSA. She is also a co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation (forthcoming). Hanem has also published a number of journal articles and book chapters in English/Arabic legal translation, Arabic linguistics, multimodality and political satire after the Arab Spring.